Day 13 – Thankful for Grace

Perfectionism was pushed on me from early childhood. This gave me the idea that I had to constantly strive to perform perfectly to please God, and that each time I failed in that striving, I had displeased Him and made Him love me less.

What a relief to learn that He knew before I was born that I would make all those mistakes, and that He had provided for my forgiveness through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross! His love is un unconditional!

Today I’m especially thankful for His amazing grace that set me free of my own self-effort to trust in Jesus, who finished the only work needed to accomplish my deliverance!

Now I am free to obey Him because of love instead of the constant striving out of fear.

Praise God!

How about you? Have you discovered His amazing grace? How does this help you overcome?

8 thoughts on “Day 13 – Thankful for Grace

  1. Amen. What a relief we don’t have to impress God, or perform to be loved by him. While we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us. That should cause us to relax, say thank you, and enjoy his presence,

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