Day 63 – Thankful for medicines and pain relief ointments

Chronic pain came to live with me a long time ago, uninvited, of course. (I’m not complaining, just explaining.)

It started with headaches from heat exhaustion, moved on to migraines, and at age 17 I started having chronic back pain.

From the beginning I tried to tough it out or to use other methods of relief besides medication.

I used ice chips for heat exhaustion and discovered that rubbing a little Mentholatum™ on my eyelids and forehead went a long way in bringing relief from a migraine.

More recently my husband did some research and made up a mixture of a carrier oil with frankincense oil, which we rub on aching muscles, especially the back, shoulders, and neck, and we found out that it actually relieves pain almost immediately! Who knew?

I also have found great pain relief from my gluten-free diet, but that may just be particular to my own individual genetics.

But there are still times where I just feel it’s best to give in and take an ibuprofen.

Tonight was one of those nights. We were standing quite a bit for choir dress rehearsal, and I tried to tough it out till we finished. Then, I realized I had ibuprofen in my purse and didn’t have to wait till I got home! Yay! Praise God!

So, as much as it would be nice to just have no pain, we live in a fallen world. But God, in His grace, has provided various medicines and ointments, natural oils and balms to bring us the relief we need!

Today I am thankful for pain meds, and for the other more natural ointments, balms, and essential oils that bring relief when and where it’s needed!

I’m thankful that God provides various ways to raise us up from our bed of pain, to help send us on our way and get done with our tasks for the day.

What about you? Are you thankful for meds to help you get back to feeling better?

10 thoughts on “Day 63 – Thankful for medicines and pain relief ointments

  1. Fellow gluten free gal here actually! I’m not super strict with it but in college I avoid gluten and dairy. I’m so thankful for healthy food. Especially kale. I have a kale obsession. Also have a skin condition so I get the chronic pain thing. Sometimes we forget God created medicine too!!

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