Day 64 – Thankful for people who care enough to listen

Thursday night I went with my husband to his ham radio Christmas party expecting no more than the polite conversation of new acquaintances. If nothing else, it would be a time to eat a good meal, to people watch, and to listen to conversations going on around me. (I know, sort of negative thinking, right?)

Well, God had other plans.

I sat next to a really nice lady and across the table from another one.

The lady next to me knew just how to get me talking, and when I started telling the two of them about my daughter’s health issues (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type III) both ladies were so kind and caring and asked questions wanting to know more!

I believe this is a quality that is pleasing to God. It is a quality that we all need to strive to achieve.

For many of us, this does not come naturally, but with lots of prayer and practice, we can get better at it.

God knew we would have troubles with both loving and listening (which is a way of showing that you value another person).

So, He commanded that we love one another,

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” – Jesus in John 13:34

and that we listen:

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” James 1:19 NIV

So, today I am thankful for kind people who care enough to listen, and I am also thankful that He helps me to become a better listener as I get to know Him more.

What about you? Are you thankful for people who are good listeners? Does it make you feel good when someone shows you they care? How can you become a better listener, or how have you become a better at listener?

24 thoughts on “Day 64 – Thankful for people who care enough to listen

    1. Yes, I agree! I think the ones who are super attentive communicate the message that you, the person they are listening to, are more valuable to them than anything else on their agenda. This is a great way to honor someone and obey God’s command in Philippians 2:3.
      Agreeing with you in that prayer for you and me both. 🙏😊

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  1. What a sweet story! People who listen are a gift, but it seems like people who desire to draw out your heart and really get to know you deeply are even rarer! I’m very grateful for good question-askers, haha. 🙂 Of course, good listening is needed to make good question asking worth it! So glad to hear of these ladies and how they were able to bless you, Ruth!

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    1. Thank you, Olivia! You’ve got a point there! God is good to give us good listeners in our lives! While He wants us to be perfect listeners, as sinners, we have to go on a journey to become that. In the meantime, I am so blessed to have discovered that GOD is a perfect listener and that He knows me and cares for me deeply and sincerely!
      I love question askers as long as they are truly caring and don’t get my red flags going up.
      And, you’re right, if someone asks questions but doesn’t listen to the answers, it certainly feels like the asking came from an insincere heart.
      I’m glad these ladies were not like that! And I do not want to be that way either. Romans 12:9 (NIV) says, “Love must be sincere.” (i.e. no hypocrisy) It is so nice when someone sincerely cares and listens! 🙂


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