Day 81 – Thankful for red flags

I don’t like it any better than the next person that danger exists in this world. But if it has to exist, I sure am glad that there are ways of being warned.

Danger can come from various sources and harm us in more or less visible ways.

Sometimes we get very visible warnings, like the signs and signals that are used in construction zones.

Other times it is just an inner feeling that tells us to run, get away from this dangerous person, get away from this temptation, or get away from these dangerous ideas.

Yes, ideas can be dangerous.  Lies can

  • lead us astray,
  • take away our joy, and
  • lead us to self-defeating and destructive behaviors and perceived hopelessness which can also drag down those we love.

There are plenty of lies out there masquerading as truth.  We probably all believe at least one or two of them without even realizing it.

For those of us who know and love God, we need to examine every idea by the truth of God’s word. 

We can say we want to draw closer to God, but if we don’t know what He says and don’t spend time in His word trying to find out, then we are in a place of danger, in that we begin to drift away from our strong Protector instead of drawing closer to Him.

Learning and knowing God’s word gives you the truth in your mind and heart that will set you free from the bondage that comes from believing lies.

Today I am thankful for the red flags, whether visible or internal, that warn us to stay away from all kinds of danger!

What about you?  Are you glad for red flags that warn of danger?  How have you experienced this “rescue” from danger in your life?20180409_003507_Burst01

10 thoughts on “Day 81 – Thankful for red flags

  1. Hi Ruth, when this popped up right after Day 80, it stopped me…
    I had to leave a comment on this.

    Ruth, many times what is popular even around us is not RIGHT!
    I have learnt to stay on course.

    I love your staying true, honest and your courage to lay in the Word there. Red flags are for our good. We may not like it but in the end we will be grateful for them.

    Thank you Kindred heart
    Happy New year to You and Yours

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re right! So many sayings SOUND right until you think it through, and then you have to admit that this can’t be true at all! I’m glad you’re staying on course, Ifeoma! Keep up the good work! 🙂
      Yes, red flags are for our good, and we will do well if we pay attention to them.
      You’re welcome, Kindred heart! 🙂
      Happy New Year to You and Yours, as well! Much blessing to you all in the new year. Congrats on your new books, and I pray they will reach all the ones for whom God had you write them.


  2. We thank God for those times. Many times when we get sidelined for no apparent reason or cannot seem to leave the house or work on time, I see it as God delaying me for my own good and try to not be aggravated about it. Often a near miss while driving and whew! I let out a deep breath and thank God for always keeping me and my family safe.
    If I am not with my kids and I feel uncomfortable when they drift into my mind, I use that opportunity to pray instantly and recite Isaiah 54:17…No weapon formed….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, praise God for the way He rescues us, even by delaying us or causing us to have to take a detour. We may not always understand, but He is in control; praise Him for His protection of His children! And yes, what a blessing and privilege to be able to pray for our children and claim God’s promises! 🙂

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