Day 132 – Thankful for crocuses (photos)

Yesterday afternoon I started feeling kind of blue. When I came home and went to unlock the door, I had a thought flash through my mind, like, “another winter, another spring”, and I felt no joy like I normally would.

This morning I had a moment where I felt like impending doom was hanging over me, which I recognized as a spiritual attack. So I prayed and asked the Lord to deliver me from this spirit of depression that’s trying to get ahold of me.

I looked out the window, and the sun is shining on a lovely group of yellow crocuses! They are so beautiful, and this answer to prayer so quickly given by our merciful Lord fills me with joy!

Yes, there is spiritual darkness around us, and discouragements will come.

But God’s Light and Love and Hope continue to shine in the darkness!

He will always win!

Today I’m thankful for crocuses!

I’m thankful for yellow flowers that shine so brightly against the dark backgrounds of winter.

And I’m thankful for God’s beautiful light that continues to shine in the darkness. I’m thankful that He has no equal, and He will always be victorious!

What about you? Have you found the joy of God amidst the darkness of this world? Do you also love how the beauty of yellow flowers contrasts with the darkness around them? What makes your heart rejoice today?

8 thoughts on “Day 132 – Thankful for crocuses (photos)

  1. I’m thankful for crocuses too. And rain, even though we get a lot of it here. It just means more blooms and everything will be so lush and green as everything gets its new leaves.

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