Day 172- Doing my part (Inspirational poem)

Doing my part to keep my germs at home,

Doing my part even if I’m alone.

Covering my cough to protect those around me,

Just in case that mean old germ has found me.

Doing my part to help save the world ,

Doing my part for every boy and girl.

Doing my part to save young and old,

Doing my part to bring them into the fold.

Wouldn’t it be great if our Angry Words we’d cover?

Treat every man as though he were our brother?

What if instead of the hate that we spew,

From every evil word we’d eschew,

And speak kind words so with hope we’d imbue?

One at a time let us save the world!

Raise banner of hope; watch the wind it unfurl.

Wash the hands of our hearts from the deadly germ of pride,

Let the Light of the World fill us up inside,

Doing our part, saving one by one,

Spreading life and love till our time on earth is done!

Today I’m thankful that I have the opportunity to keep germs and unkind words from infecting others.

I’m thankful that I have the opportunity to spread life and kindness and peace instead!

What about you? How does this poem speak to you? Are there old habits that need to be cast off? Are there new habits that need to be formed? How has God been speaking to your heart concerning spreading love and peace?

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