Don’t Give Up


This morning I played a piano solo at church.

With God’s help it turned out pretty well, although I made a few mistakes.  But I kept on going.  I couldn’t just stop playing because I made a mistake.

I mean how crumby would that be, to get everyone’s hopes up to hear some music by which to worship God, then the music suddenly stops on a sour note as the pianist gets up from the piano and walks away without finishing what she started?

Wouldn’t that be a shock to the other worshipers?

I mean, it discourages me that I make mistakes, but would it be right for me to discourage others in God’s family by giving up in the middle of an offering of worship like that?

I think not.

I think everyone enjoyed much more my flawed offering that was poured out to the very last drop.  The Lord is able to make it a sweet aroma to Himself.

Have you ever been tempted to give up in your Christian walk or in some service to which God has called you because of some mistake or mistakes that you have made?  I know it can be embarrassing, but God has called us to finish the race and to finish it well.  He knows we will make mistakes.  He has seen every mistake we have ever made and every mistake we will make in the future,  but He loves us anyway.

In fact, He knew every mistake I would make and every sin I would commit before I was born.  He already knew every one of them when Jesus died for me.  He prepared ahead of time not only to forgive me but also to pick me up when I would fall and to encourage me to continue the race (or the song, or the job, or the speaking, or the writing,  or the fight for a cause, or the witness, or whatever it would be that I might be tempted to quit.)

And He prepared the same for you as well.

I’ve discovered from Scripture and from life that sometimes we can give up on something worthwhile just a little too soon.  And the consequences can be dire.  (Think Abraham and Hagar?)  If God has put us on a course and given us a calling, throwing in the towel is like saying, “You were wrong, God.  (And I’m obviously smarter than you since I know this and You don’t.)  I’m putting my foot down, God.  I’m through.  I quit.  I’m not obeying You anymore.  Go find somebody else.  I’m moving on (away from Your will, but oh well).”  Ouch.  It makes me cringe to hear it this way.

I mean we may not actually say it to God in those words, but isn’t it kind of shocking how we can lie to ourselves about our bad attitudes and how they grieve the heart of God?

So, dear sister (or brother),  if you are in the midst of a mind battle like this one, don’t give up.  Hang in there.  You never know when the answer to your prayers  might just be right around the corner.  God will equip you to continue even in the face of hardship.

Joshua 1:9 NIV “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (emphasis mine)

Acts 20:24 NIV  “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”  (emphasis mine)


Linking up at:

Soul Survival

Faith ‘n Friends

Grace and Truth

Faith Filled Friday

Fresh Market Friday

Friday Five

Thought Provoking Thursday

Woman to Woman


13 thoughts on “Don’t Give Up

  1. Thank you Ruth. Great insights. Hope you are doing well. Anymore revelation on the dream you shared with me? I prayed about it a while after we talked.

    Love, Anne Marie


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks, Anne Marie. I always need and appreciate your prayers. I appreciate your insights as well. God is bringing me to a place with a little more light in spite of the struggles, thanks to your prayers and those of others, and as always, He walks close beside me along the way guiding me around or over the obstacles.


  3. Beautiful encouragement Ruth. I played piano when I was young and loved it! However as much as I loved it, I stopped playing and choose sports. Boy do I wish I had continued to play. Music fills the soul of those who hear it; while sports has left me with creaky knees! I’m glad to read that you pressed forward through your piece. I’m sure all who heard it were blessed. “Sweet aroma” is the title of my featured post right now;) I have no doubt you made a sweet aroma to God as you served Him with your music. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and may God richly bless you and yours as you serve Him!


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