Worship with me #4

Earlier today I started this post and then must have accidentally pushed Publish when I only had one sentence done!  But perhaps God knows that some of you just need the reassurance that He knows you and that He calls you by name!  He really does!

So, welcome to Worship with me!  Please join me in worshiping the Lord.  Feel free to add your worship prayers in the comments so I can worship with you!  🙂


Thank You, Lord, that You know me, that You call me by name.

Thank You, Lord, that You are in control.

Thank You that You know what’s best for me and You WANT what’s best for me.

Thank You for Your invitation to come to drink from Your Waters of life, to feed on Your Word, which is alive and Powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword.

Thank You that You make an Everlasting Covenant with us when we come to You in faith, a covenant that You will never break, a blood covenant through the blood of Jesus Christ that He shed for my sins.

Thank You that You came to give us Abundant Life.

Lord, I acknowledge that Your thoughts are not my thoughts and my ways are not Your ways because You are so amazing, so wonderful, so much higher than me that there’s no way I can even comprehend how wonderful You are!

Thank You that Your word that goes forth from Your mouth will not return to You empty without accomplishing what You desire!

Thank You that You give us joy and peace, and that we don’t have to come up with our own Joy because you give us freely of your own!


12 thoughts on “Worship with me #4

  1. Amen and Amen!

    Thank you, Lord, for breathing strength into my weak body this morning enabling to get up to attend to today’s work and most importantly, Your work.

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