My Love, My Hero! Always Ready, Willing, and Able

This morning I woke up feeling so much better than I have the last couple of days, ready to face a new and beautiful day! (I’m pretty sure someone has been praying for me.)
So, I decided today would be the right day to go grocery shopping after a quick walk at the park.

The store is a big one, and I was fine the whole way through, but loading all those groceries from the cart onto the conveyor belt for checkout tired me out a bit. And even though someone took my groceries out to the car for me, my brain was a little discombobulated.

I had to make a quick run to the library, and I was concerned because I didn’t want the frozen items to thaw, so I got out of the car and checked to make sure all the cold things were together.

The problem is that I left the car running, popped the trunk, and accidentally or mindlessly locked the car door. So now I was sure that the cold stuff was as fine as it could be, but, um, not anymore!

I considered whether I would be able to get into the car through the trunk. Not my best option. My phone was also locked in the car, so I decided to ask a passerby if I could borrow her phone to call my husband, who works maybe 10 to 15 minutes commute from where I was, to come to my rescue.

I had just asked this stranger if I could use her phone, when WHO COMES WALKING DOWN THE SIDEWALK? My husband!!!

It’s been a while since I was SO EXCITED to see him! My hero! I almost cried for joy! I gave him hugs and kisses and wanted to jump for joy!

He enjoyed the attention, I’m sure, and was glad to help me unlock the car so the the frozen items and I, could be on our way.

It was so good to have someone I could count on to be there for me. Literally. There. On the spot. Immediately, before I even called.

I realized that God had arranged that, and I wondered why.  It’s not because I deserve it.  I considered how He may have just decided to show me His favor because He wanted to, because He could, because He delights in me, because He is a gracious God.

But the thought also occurred to me that God Himself is the One I can ALWAYS count on!

He is always right there with me and for me, immediately accessible! Literally. There! On the spot!

He is always ready to be my Hero, before I even call!

He is glad to help.

He enjoys my excitement and praise. And why shouldn’t He? He is a cheerful Giver, and He delights to help me because He loves me!

When I feel like jumping for joy, He is ready to do the happy dance with me! 🙂

S/W Ver: 9E.01.16R
God’s love in the clouds

He is there like that for ALL His children.

I guess the question I would like to consider without getting all negative about it is, do we expect Him to be there like that for us?  Are we so oblivious to His presence with us that we resort to asking a stranger for help before we go to Him?

If we are a little off kilter in this area, may today be the day when we get our focus back on Him who loves us radically and is always there for us because He loves us so much!

Thank You, Lord, for being my Ever-Present Hero!


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Thought Provoking Thursday

Woman to Woman

10 thoughts on “My Love, My Hero! Always Ready, Willing, and Able

  1. Oh, that I will remember how on the spot, in the moment God truly is!
    The photo of God’s clouds and sun on them is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for encouraging me this day. I pray you continue to feel better too.

    Liked by 1 person

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