Help, I’m in a Nightmare!

Last night I had a dream.

In my dream I was in a bare room facing a wall with 6 cubbies attached directly to the wall, three on top of 3.

Each cubby had an electrical outlet in the center with things plugged into the outlets.

Then, suddenly, for no apparent reason, the bottom center outlet burst into flames! I unplugged the things that were plugged in there, and the fire went out. Immediately after that, the outlet on the bottom left burst into flames as well.100_4010

As I hurriedly unplugged things from that outlet and saw that the flames were extinguished, the three outlets on top burst into flames. Each subsequent outburst was worse than the one before.

By that time I was beginning to wake up, and I decided it was time to leave dreamland, since it was not likely to get any better and would likely get worse instead.

I was wondering if I could use my dream as a word picture to teach some sort of lesson, and I think I’ve hit on an idea.

Sometimes we get so busy in life that it feels like we are running from one place to another putting out fires. Can any of you relate?

And I was wondering if any of us try to manipulate the situations, leaning on our own understanding, using our own resources to put out the fires that really only can be put out with the help of God Himself.

We may even think that if we just unplug things and become less busy, everything will be okay. And when we try it, it does seem to be better for a while. Maybe we say “no” to extra activities or quit a job and move to another field, or maybe we retire.

Then, another problem develops and then another, and another. The combination of all the problems happening at the same time is overwhelming.

I’d like to suggest that if we find ourselves in such a situation, we may be living in a dream world of sorts, a bad dream from which we need to wake up and discover a reality that we may never have known existed.

Now please hear me out. I’m not saying that the problems are not real.  They are.

Rather,  when we turn our focus away from that overwhelming set of problems and cry out to God, who alone can put out all those fires and set things straight, we find the reality of God.

We find the reality of God!

We find that He truly cares and is able to take care of things that are way beyond our capabilities.

God is just as real as the stunningly bright tops of the clouds even though we focus on the gray underside and the coming storm or the dreariness of the day.

In other words, God has been real all along, willing and able to help, but we were so focused on the problems that we were unable to experience Him.

Dear Lord, we bring our overwhelming problems to You today and ask that You make Yourself known to us.  Help us to discover the reality of Who You are, no matter how the problems are resolved.  Help us to know that even if the problems don’t turn out the way we want them to, You will be walking beside us all the way, holding our hands and extending to us the loving compassion that we all need.  In Jesus’ name we pray,


Casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].   1 Peter 5:7  AMP

Linking up with:

Monday’s Musings

Coffee for your Heart

Soul Survival

Moments of Hope

Thankful Thursdays

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Testimony Tuesday

14 thoughts on “Help, I’m in a Nightmare!

  1. I love this analogy, Ruth. It’s amazing how God helped you turn a nightmare into an insightful spiritual lesson. 🙂 This really touched me – “God is just as real as the stunningly bright tops of the clouds even though we focus on the gray underside and the coming storm or the dreariness of the day.” So true. May we rest in God and His offered help rather than in our own resources! Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. God is helping you know that he cares about these things and will protect you. The spirit is the light and will turn it on in you and save you from the nightmare.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is so good, Ruth. This really touched my heart, “God is just as real as the stunningly bright tops of the clouds even though we focus on the gray underside and the coming storm or the dreariness of the day.” I’m thankful God is there even during the dreariness and working everything out. Thank you for sharing this encouragement with Thankful Thursdays.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Lori!
      I’m glad that who God is does not depend on who I am or what I do or do not do. He is who He is; that never changes. Never. His Being does not change with all the changes that happen in our world. He continues to be Loving, Holy, Faithful, Ever-Present, and All-Powerful.


  4. I love the lessons you were able to draw out from the dream. It is easy to get overwhelmed, especially when there seems to be one thing after another to deal with. I constantly need the reminder to keep my eyes on God and cast my anxieties on him rather than trying to fix everything myself.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Every time I take my eyes off Jesus and put them on the problem, the problem seems big enough to shatter me. But with eyes on Him and one foot in front of the other, I get to the other side of the problem. It’s not always easy. Actually, it rarely is easy. Life is hard and the trials in life hurt – horribly. But God is there to help us. Thank you for joining me at #MomentsofHope to share the hope of Christ!
    Blessings and smiles,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re right, Lori. Jesus did not assure us that we would have it easy. In fact, He said that we would have trials. What He did assure us of was that He had overcome the world and that He would be with us always, even to the end of the world.
      I praise the Lord that I get to experience Him in this life on this earth, and even though I don’t really like trials at all, they have pushed me toward knowing Him more. And for me, in the end, it has been worth it.


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