Day 212- Thankful our Shepherd is right there going through the difficult valley with His sheep

Metaphorically speaking, I am a sheep, and the LORD is my Shepherd. He keeps on being great and holy and wonderful whether I pay attention to Him or not, whether I seek Him with my whole heart or not.

I can in NO way ever diminish who He is.

He keeps on being my Shepherd.

His being my Shepherd is not dependent on me.

  • I’m glad that my Shepherd comes and looks for me when I get distracted and wander away, and He keeps me from falling over a cliff.
  • I’m glad He holds me to His heart and comforts me.
  • I’m glad He protects me from the evil enemy who lurks about looking for a free meal.

I was thinking a while back about Psalm 23, the verse that says,

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me,” (Psalm 23:4)

through the lens of COVID-19.

It seems like we’ve collectively been going through a valley of the shadow of death.

It’s interesting that it says I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

I walk.

It’s been a very slow process, and it’s not over yet; I don’t get to hop on an airplane and fly through the valley of the shadow of death to get to the other side more quickly.

But, no matter how long it takes, I need not fear, for He is with me!

He is my Shepherd even when I’m walking through the valley of the shadow of death.

He doesn’t stop being my Shepherd when it’s not a sunshiny, warm day in the green pasture with the breeze blowing gently, and all is well.

He’s still our Shepherd, even in the Valley of the shadow of death and even if we aren’t able to see Him.

Today I’m thankful that the Lord is my Shepherd.

I’m thankful that He walks with me even in the dark valley.

I’m thankful that He never leaves me nor forsakes me.

I’m thankful that He is always near, and He takes such good care of me.

I’m thankful that He subjects Himself to the same difficulties we are going through by being in the valley with us.


What about you?  Don’t you love this photo, how the shepherd is right there going through the difficult valley with the sheep?  Have you wished like me that this COVID scourge would just hurry up and go away?  Has it been hard for you to wait and keep trusting God?  Have you lost sight of the fact that He is still with you and with those you love?  I wonder, how many of the sheep in the above photo are aware of the shepherds’ presence?  And yet, the shepherds are with them, taking care of them.

Don’t give up!  Trust God, not your feelings. He is with you and wants to help!

Cropped a Photo by Daniel Burka on Unsplash

21 thoughts on “Day 212- Thankful our Shepherd is right there going through the difficult valley with His sheep

  1. One night I had a picture in my mind of Jesus walking in the middle of a large flock of sheep. He was right there with them, looking out for them, always looking for any dangers to any of the sheep. He did not mind getting dusty and dirty, because that’s what it took to take care of His sheep.

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