New Day #5

Hello friends!

It’s a new day, another day in which God’s mercies are extended freely to you and me, a day to cast off old regrets at the feet of Jesus and let Him take our mess and transform it into something new and beautiful! He is, after all, the Redeemer!

This reminds me of a reel my daughter sent me on Instagram yesterday. The crafter saves old tea bags, discards the insides and carefully opens and washes the bag. Then she dries it flat, and using glue and beautiful, pressed, dried flowers and leaves, she transforms the whole thing into a beautiful, transparent, artsy, fancy, card-worthy piece of artwork. Here’s the link :

Sometimes we hear that lying voice in our head that says that we’re too broken or messed up to be used by God, and we might as well give up. But if a human crafter can make something beautiful out of something most people throw in the trash, how much more can God take that which is broken or messed up and make it into something glorious! Would we really relegate God to a Being who is less powerful and less creative than a human? Do we really think He cares for us less than a crafter does for the things she uses to make art?

His love for you and me is beyond compare! He loves rescuing, healing, redeeming, restoring His creation to the beauty He intended for it from the start! That’s why Jesus died, so He could forgive us and restore us and someday even restore all creation to His original plan and purpose, which were more amazing than we can imagine! (Romans 8:18-25)

Let’s make today the day where we run into His arms of mercy and grace to receive forgiveness and be transformed to the beauty that He, our Creator, sees for us.

The Lord bless each of you today and always! 💖

12 thoughts on “New Day #5

  1. Thank you for that visual aid to see how beautiful the crafter made those spent tea-bags.. and are we not more valuable than an empty tea-bag???? I think we can all say yes to that, even if we mightn’t consider ourselves more valuable than a sweet sparrow!!

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