The Secret Place

I’ve been reading through the Psalms the last few weeks, and yesterday I came upon the following gem:

“How great is Your goodness, Which You have stored up for those who fear You, Which You have wrought for those who take refuge in You, Before the sons of men!

You hide them in the secret place of Your presence…” Psalm 31:19,20a NASB

When I read this, I felt as excited as a child who realizes Christmas is coming soon!

It’s like God has a storehouse of grace!

What presents does He have stored up to share with me in His Presence?!!

I need to be more faithful to close out distractions and be still in His Presence; His Presence and the presents He has for us there are far more exciting than anything under the tree in December, and we who believe on Jesus and His atoning sacrifice for us have access to His throne room EVERY DAY!

The secret place of His Presence!

This reminds me of

  • stories I’ve read, like The Secret Garden, and Heidi,
  • songs like “I Come to the Garden Alone”, and
  • the time I was walking in the Easter snow at camp while meditating on the verse, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

So many people have their own secret spot where they go for peace and quiet.  Do you?

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God offers us that secret place with Him no matter where we are!  We can take our hearts and spirits in silence to that secret place with Him and just BE with Him, whether we have anything to say to Him at the moment or not!

As I was thinking about the above verses this morning, the following verse came into my thoughts:

Psalm 25:14 “The secret of the LORD is for those who fear Him.”

I so much want to hear Him telling me His secrets!

Don’t you?


Hearing His secrets starts with a heart that believes in Jesus’ finished work for us on the cross.  From there, it continues as we get to know who He is and what He expects from us through the reading of His Word.  Then, we must surrender to His will, since the fear of the LORD implies obedience to Him.  And, when we fail, which we will, we must go to Him like King David did, and fully and humbly repent.  He still loves us if we don’t, but we can’t fool Him.  He knows the truth of what is in our hearts.  We cannot hide anything from Him.

What a Precious and wonderful Friend we have in Him when we walk in full surrender to His will for us!


What about You?  Do you have your own secret place where you go for peace and quiet? Do you want to hear God’s secrets?  Do you make an effort to walk in daily surrender to Him?

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!



(Photo of woman and little girl by Sai De Silva on Unsplash)

20 thoughts on “The Secret Place

  1. Amen, the secret place…
    God works wonders my friend. When this mail dropped in, I hurried over to read. Yesterday I was going through my old journal last year to be precise where I read about the secret place, Elijah’s secret meal served by the ravens, the angels food eaten by the Israelites, God revealing secrets etc.

    God loves secrets😂😂😂😂

    I appreciate this today.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Love this. My secret place is this creek behind where I live 🙂 I love going down there and just reflecting. I’ve been finding now that I have to find that time during my breaks at work or simply in my room or in the morning or at night. Beautiful post! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Lea! I love sitting by water, too! 🙂 That’s great that you have a creek right there, close by! But you’re right, sometimes with various life changes, you have to get a different place or even make do with the best you can find. I’ve had three different places, over the years, in the house that I still live in now. I’m so glad that God goes with me no matter where I go, and that His still small voice can speak to me anywhere! I just have to make an effort to listen and obey.

      Liked by 2 people

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