Day 23 – Thankful God Smooths our Path

Yesterday morning I woke up with the knowledge that it was going to be a big day!

I sat before the Lord and asked Him in faith to go before us, to prepare the way, and to show us every step we should take and in what order we should take it.

When my daughter and I left the house, I still had paperwork that I thought needed to be finished. I grabbed it all up in as organized a fashion as possible before going out the door.

The 30 minute trip by car went smoothly, as did parking in the unfamiliar parking garage and finding our way to the unfamiliar geneticist’s office in the unfamiliar hospital.

The Lord put helpful people in our path to answer all kinds of questions and concerns!

The doctor was kind. Her preliminary official diagnosis for my daughter is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type III. This is actually good news, as the other types of EDS are more serious. We did have to go to the lab, and they are running genetic testing to rule out another condition called Loeys-Dietz, which would include aneurysms.

My daughter and I are relieved to finally have a diagnosis! Since it’s genetic, a couple of other family members and I finally have a name for all the health problems we’ve had over the years.

Our trip home in city traffic was also uneventful. I can truly say that God answered my prayer!

One more thing that happened was that, before we left the house in the morning, I got a text from our telephone company saying that the phone call I had made the day before to my cousin in France to get info for the geneticist was going to cost over $200!!!

The anxiety started to raise up within me. But, I knew that I would not be able to deal with this problem until we got home from the lengthy trip to the doctor.

Neither did I have the stamina to allow anxiety to simmer on the back burner.

So, I surrendered the problem to the Lord and left it there.

Around 5 p.m. we were home, and I once again asked the Lord to go before me, prepare the way, send the right people to help, and if I had to end up paying (what I learned was) $229, that He would provide it somehow.

He answered my prayer again, leading me to the right people!!

It turns out that the agent was able to backdate an international plan for $5 a month, with no set number of months that it must be kept, which brought the cost of the phone call down to $17.38!! That’s more like I had expected it to be! Total cost will be $22.38!

So, today I am thankful that God answers prayers and smooths the way before us by going before us and putting things in order before we get there, all the while accompanying us where we are!

Isn’t He GREAT?!!

What about you? Are you thankful that God answers prayer? Are you thankful that He never leaves you? Can you relate with finally being heard and understood, of finally getting a diagnosis after years of not knowing? Have you ever asked the Lord to go before you and prepare the way? Do you have a testimony of answered prayer?

32 thoughts on “Day 23 – Thankful God Smooths our Path

  1. Praise the Lord for a diagnosis and He walked before you! Never heard of these conditions but I’m going to read about them and I am praying right now (stop) it’s not the other one with aneurysms. Also praise Him for being ahead of you about the call charges! Such a blessed day!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m glad the phone bill was taken care of! 🙂

    Also glad you got a diagnosis! ❤ If it's okay for me to ask, was it hard to do? I mean, was it hard on your daughter physically to be diagnosed? Or was getting answers from family members the hardest part?

    I've been praying for your daughter – and your toe! How is your toe? Have you been able to give the special shoes the boot? (Haha, pun wasn't intended, but I guess I'll leave it. XD)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No, it was not hard on my daughter physically to be diagnosed. She felt very cared for. There was a lot of paperwork to be filled out that I mostly took care of with a little help from her. I actually enjoyed contacting family members that we haven’t talked with for a long time (we don’t live close to them)! It was a time of bonding, showing concern for my daughter’s health and for the health of relatives. I think the hardest part was doing the homework about what EDS is (after the Urgent Care doc said that he suspected that was what she had) and getting our regular doctor on board. But the Lord worked it out and led us all the way.
      Thanks so much for your prayers! My toe is much better! I was finally able to wear a sock three days ago and a shoe for a few days longer than that. I’m also not having to take the Tylenol anymore! Yay! Praise God! 🙂
      Lol, yes, I’ve given the boot the boot! LOL

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s awesome. 🙂 I’m glad it wasn’t hard on her physically. Nice that you were able to enjoy contacting family! 🙂

        Oh I see. So glad the Lord worked it all out. 🙂

        Yay for socks and shoes and no more Tylenol! 😀 👢 the 👢! 😂 Amen, praise God for that!

        Liked by 1 person

            1. It’s hard, though, going through the random stuff and feeling like you’re not getting anything done.
              Sometimes I feel like I’m not getting much accomplished, but it’s because I subconsciously compare myself to other women who are so energetic. When I read back through my journal, I realize that I really got quite a bit accomplished with God’s help! He made me ME not them. And He leads me to accomplish things that are off the radar of what is often considered “the way it should be done”.

              Liked by 1 person

            2. Oh yes, it sure is. It’s been extra… random and strange the past month. I think a lot of it was emotional; I lost my 15 1/2 year old cat on the 3rd and my heart has been broken. Since then, my stomach’s been acting weird and I remember going through something similar years ago when I was stressed because of my grandma. I’m hoping it’ll sort itself out soon.

              I do the same thing, comparing myself to people who are energetic but also… normal. Joint-wise. Doing that only causes me to see what I can’t do instead of what I can do.

              Oohhh I should keep a journal like that. 😀 I’m so glad God used a journal to show you how you get things accomplished. ❤ I thought about getting a piece of paper and writing something I did that day along with something to be thankful for on it. Fill a jar with the pieces of paper. Then open it. It would be similar to this:

              So uh… how do I email you? I couldn't find your contact page. 😅

              Liked by 1 person

            3. Sorry to hear about your cat. 😢 Grieving messes with the digestive system, for sure. You might want to choose things that are easier to digest for a while. The digestive system in a normal person uses 70% of available energy. If you can, try eating only one food group per meal for a while, or eat several very small meals instead of 3 regular meals.
              Comparison with others is just not a good idea. Instead we need to daily ask God to lead us to every “activity” that HE wants us to do that day in the order He wants us to do it.
              Yes, I bought a five-year journal called “One line a day – Five years of memories”. Each entry is short; they give 5 lines per day, but I write small and squeeze more in. I like the journal because it all stays organized in one place.
              When I wrote about the snow storm in November, I checked the two years before and found a pattern.
              The jar idea sounds cool! It’s pretty, too! But it sounds like you throw away the papers and have to start over. I guess you wouldn’t have to, though.
              I’ve emailed you through your contact page, so now you have my email address. Looking forward to hearing from you!

              Liked by 1 person

            4. (I was going to wait until tomorrow to respond but it’s obvious I won’t be able to sleep for a while so I’ll go ahead now. 😅)

              70%?! Wow.

              I usually do eat smaller meals throughout the day because a few years ago, something changed in that my body doesn’t want a big meal at all. Recently mom made some of the best spaghetti and I overate. I was miserable for the whole next day. Oops. Thanks for the advice; I think I’ll try that. (As long as pasta can be it’s own food group. Kidding! Kind of. 😂)

              Yes!! 😀 And I need to start asking Him. I usually see a bunch of stuff that needs to be done and get exhausted just thinking about it.

              That is such a cool journal! 😀

              “When I wrote about the snow storm in November, I checked the two years before and found a pattern.” :O Oh wow!!!

              It is pretty! I also have a mason jar that can’t be canned in (it has a small crack) and I want to do something crafty with it because it’s too pretty to throw away. I wouldn’t throw away the papers; I’d put them in something to store them after the year was up. That way there will be a lot of memories to go through years down the road. 🙂

              Thanks I received it! 😀


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